Alcohol Review‘s goal is, and always has been, to serve the public interest.
This means helping attempts to create a “safe, healthy and fully-functioning society” on a global basis.
The internet has changed the way this is best done, having changed media and the way we respond to them.
Even the most brilliant story in the most influential outlet will not settle a debate or halt misinformation.
Alcohol Review’s response is to accept the new situation and to respond to it as effectively as possible.
It currently does so by:
- Condensing and relaying global news
- Filtering, fact-checking and adding context
- Soliciting expert comment and discussion
- Producing highly-targeted original stories and events
- Delivering results in a concise newsletter
This produces a timely global alcohol news source founded on solid science.
This informs those working to improve health, society and policy, so furthering the public interest.
Methods will be continually refined to deliver this outcome more effectively. ■